Sustainable drainage systems, also known as SuDS, are an environmentally friendly approach to managing the drainage of water in and around various developments such as properties, roads, and public spaces. These systems aim to mimic the natural water cycle and lessen the negative impact of urbanisation on the local water supply.
SuDS work by intercepting, collecting, storing, and cleaning rainwater runoff from buildings, roads, and other hard surfaces. Rather than channelling the water away through traditional drainage systems, SuDS slow down and hold back the water in a decentralised and distributed manner. This allows natural processes such as infiltration, evapotranspiration, and biological breakdown to take place, thus reducing the quantity and improving the quality of the water runoff.
By utilising a range of techniques such as permeable paving, green roofs, rain gardens, swales, and detention ponds, SuDS can achieve multiple benefits. For example, permeable paving can allow water to soak through the surface and into the ground, which recharges groundwater and reduces the risk of flooding. Meanwhile, green roofs and rain gardens can provide valuable habitats for wildlife, enhance urban aesthetics, and improve air quality by reducing heat island effects.
Overall, SuDS are a sustainable and effective way of managing water runoff in urban areas while promoting biodiversity, reducing flood risk, and improving water quality. By combining engineering techniques with natural processes, SuDS can provide a more harmonious and resilient relationship between built environments and the natural world.
Source control measures refer to strategies that address surface run-off at or near the location where rainfall first encounters a surface. These measures typically involve techniques such as green roofs, permeable paving, and rain gardens that help to intercept, store, and clean rainwater before it enters the drainage system.
Site control measures, on the other hand, manage surface water run-off from larger areas, such as housing estates, business parks, and major roads. These measures involve the use of features like swales and filter drains, which help to channel run-off from larger areas to a single location where it can be managed more effectively.
Regional control measures are designed to deal with the accumulated run-off from a larger area. These measures rely on the same principles as smaller-scale SuDS but can handle larger volumes of water. They typically involve features such as detention basins, constructed wetlands, and infiltration systems that help to slow down and treat the water before it enters the wider environment.
To ensure the effectiveness of these systems, it is essential to connect the flow between different SuDS components using swales, filter drains, or ditches, rather than relying on pipes. This ensures that rainwater that passes through smaller SuDS can feed into larger SuDS and contribute to the overall management of surface water run-off in each area. By implementing a combination of source, site, and regional control measures, it is possible to achieve a more sustainable and resilient approach to managing surface water in urban areas.
Mitigates water pollution by using natural processes to break down pollutants and preventing them from entering waterways.
Slows down surface water run-off and reduces the risk of flooding by allowing water to be stored, infiltrated, or evapotranspired, instead of overwhelming drainage systems.
Reduces the risk of sewer flooding during heavy rain by diverting excess water away from the sewer network and into SuDS features.
Recharges groundwater, which helps to prevent droughts and maintain a healthy water cycle.
Provides valuable habitats for wildlife in urban areas - green roofs, rain gardens, and wetlands can support a range of plants and animals.
Creates green spaces for people in urban areas, which can improve air quality, reduce the urban heat island effect, and promote physical and mental well-being.
If you're interested in incorporating sustainable drainage systems into your property or development project, check out our range of SuDS products on our website today. Together, we can make a positive impact on our environment and create more resilient communities for the future.